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National Conference on Marine Environmental DNA

Aim: To help accelerate marine environmental DNA science and applications by bringing together researchers, government agencies, and private foundations.

Sponsored by: Monmouth University-Rockefeller University Marine Science and Policy Initiative (MURU)

Date/Location: Thursday-Friday, November 29-30, 2018/The Rockefeller University, New York, NY

Major themes
Technology development—faster, cheaper, more portable
—genetic reference databases, analytic software, data compatibility
eDNA biology—relating eDNA abundance to organism abundance

Desired Outcomes
Commitment/interest in national or regional cooperative research efforts—e.g.,
-standardized protocols

-baseline sites for ongoing monitoring
         -unexplored habitats—e.g., deep ocean
USG:  Commitment/interest in incorporating eDNA into ongoing marine life surveys
NGOs:  Commitment/interest in specific initiatives, e.g.,
          -technology development
          -building genetic reference databases
-national/regional snapshots, ongoing monitoring

Accommodations can be booked at:   The reserved block of rooms with the special conference rate will be released on Friday, October 19.  

Background: In 2016 MURU convened the National Ocean Exploration Forum and in 2017 the Mid-Atlantic Blue Ocean Economy 2030. 

Registration form and Draft Agenda below. There is no registration fee.


Select Session

Availability -  Closed


Draft Agenda (suggestions welcome)
Thursday, November 29, 2018
11:00–12:30   Registration and buffet lunch, Greenberg Building / Lower Level
12:30–12:45   Introductory comments: Jesse Ausubel, Rockefeller University, Carson Family Auditorium
1:00–1:30   Plenary I, Francisco Chavez, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute: eDNA overview—a tool to help fill current void in biological observing at regional to global scales—strengths, weaknesses, and challenges.
1:30–2:00   Plenary II, Ryan Kelly, University of Washington: Ecosystem assessment with eDNA, approaches to broad range surveys including invertebrates, vertebrates
2:00–2:30   Coffee
2:30–3:00   Plenary III, Elizabeth Andruszkiewicz, Stanford University: Predicting eDNA dispersion by particle tracking. 
3:00–3:30   Plenary IV, Bruce Nash, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory: Addressing challenges in bioinformatic analysis of NextGen eDNA sequence data in educational settings.
3:30–5:00   Thursday teams meet (Technology development; US applications; Bioinformatics; eDNA biology)
5:00–5:30   Plenary V, Mark Stoeckle, Rockefeller University: Fine scale temporal eDNA mapping in New York Bight.
5:30–6:15   Thursday team leaders report (10 min each) in plenary session
6:15–6:45   Reception
6:45–8:00   Dinner; Remarks by Barbara Block, Stanford University

Recognition of prosecutor and novelist Linda Fairstein for incorporation of DNA in the courtroom and fiction on the occasion of publication of "Secrets from the Deep"

Friday, November 30, 2018
7:30–8:00 Buffet breakfast, Greenberg Building / Lower Level
8:15–8:45   Plenary VI, David Lodge, Cornell University: Freshwater monitoring with eDNA: what have we learned so far and new technologies.
8:45–10:15   Friday teams meet (Technology development; US applications; Bioinformatics; eDNA biology)
10:15–11:15   Plenary VII, Cisco Werner, Kelly Goodwin, NOAA: Roadmap towards eDNA for fish stock assessments.
11:15–12:00   Friday team leaders report (10 min each) in plenary session
12:00–12:15   Closing comments: Paul Gaffney
Date - Thursday November 29, 2018
Location: Lower Level Greenberg Building (CRC)

Availability -  Closed


12:30–2:00   Monmouth University Urban Coast Institute (UCI) Champion of the Ocean luncheon
Honoree and Speaker: Dr. Marcia McNutt, President, National Academy of Sciences
Welcome: Grey Dimenna, Esq., President, Monmouth University
Presenter: Tony Macdonald, Director, Monmouth University UCI
Date - Friday November 30, 2018
Location: Abby Dining Room

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